As long as the road seemed to get to Amarillo from Austin and as hard as some people say it would be, I must say this was pleasant. I can't remember how many times I changed roads, how many Interstates I took and how many times I went by little towns as Lampasas, Happy, Tulia and others that I don't remember... but I do know that it was a whole adventure.
Amarillo, TX- Your people is amazing! I fell in love with Amarillo as soon as I met the people who lived there. We were fortunate enough to hang out with people who are passionate, caring and above all- nice.
The lecture on Thursday "First feel then shoot" was one of the most fulfilling experiences for me. I was impressed by how Diego was so cool about speaking in public. He was able to have everyone's attention and I must say that motivated all the assistants to just take a camera and shoot. His main idea of the lecture was to do not overthink and to not care if you don't have all the equipment other photographers may have but to look in other resources such as a Home Depot where you can buy a light boom arm that you would usually use to paint your walls. When it was my turn, he had almost made me feel comfortable and although my speech was 1% of his, I felt cool. Tips as : Model releases, Make-up and permissions of locations when scouting were some of the things I talked about. And when the Q&A phase went on, we were asked many stuff: how much do you charge? how do you contact clients? how should you sell yourself? Many of these questions have been answered lately in reading books and I was pleased to share this experience with other photographers. I enjoyed meeting photographers and people who are as passionate and as compromised with capturing one single moment.

On Friday, things were less theoretical and more practical. We met at Rudy's for a workshop leaded by Diego on: lifestyle, portraits and product shots. Photographers and students got a chance to ask about technique, about day-to-day questions and got a chance to take pictures with one light, two lights and reflectors. I must say that I concluded that one more time, a good photographer is not that who has the best lens or the best camera, but the one that just can make art by clicking. My favorite part on Friday? Being able to listen to the attendees too, see Diego and them talking about their personal portfolios. And of course, the group shot, I think this is one of the favorites I have.

Congrats to everyone who attended and thank you to all of you who encouraged Diego and I to keep doing what we do. I personally enjoyed every single moment I was talking with someone and I enjoyed seeing everyone smile when they had a camera in their is amazing how photography brings us together.
This is what we work for and Amarillo reminded me that we don't work for ourselves but to give back also. There is always a good time to give back and you can never give enough.
Brent and Vicky - you treated us as if we were rockstars...thank you for all of your attentions and for just being so nice. This was an incredible journey.
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