At least, that is what I learned when I was with the Huicholes.
So, on June 28, 2009 after a long walk to Cohamiata and eating a green mango that just fell of the tree, Diego and I walked down the river.
At the river, we met Sandra who was washing her clothes because she had school on Monday and needed to have her chores done.
Sandra washed her clothes with a pink squared soap. She gladly did this because she knew that it was her thing to do, it all depended on her and that she needed to do this so she can have clean clothes for the week.
I admire Sandra, not only because she washed her clothes but also because she did her chores knowing and acknowledging that her mom had done it for her before when she was younger. She was not only grateful for the job her mom did before but also for having soap to wash her clothes.
Back in San Andrés, I experienced this feeling every single day. I was grateful for waking up with the confidence that I would have water to drink, soap to wash my clothes and even a washer (and I do not mean my two bare hands) to do so. I continue to be grateful and thankful for having what I need.

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