Wednesday, December 8, 2010

PDN Photography Virtual Event feat: Allen Murabayashi

I took the "PDN Photography Virtual Event" today and I listened to Allen Murabayashi, co-founder of

Here are some notes:

Your website is a marketing tool.
Does it meet audience needs?
Social media tools: FB and Twitter
SEO friendly / Friendly
Getting people to your website is hard work!
Allow people to connect
Once they purchase and get good quality, they are likely to come back
Price is arbitrary and elastic, take advantage of that fact: Understand there are different levels of pricing. But if you want to move your pricing level up, test that pricing.

I also spent some time on the Q&A session and this is what I asked:
Question 27
(2:55 PM) Daniela Gutierrez:
Hi Allen. I see you believe that photography is you think that the print portfolio will disappear?
Answer 27
(2:57 PM) Allen Murabayashi:
No -- I think as long as there are print publications, there will be print portfolios, and for things like fine art, print portfolios will always be around. but iPads and the like will definitely become commonplace.

Good one! Diego has just published the new uses of the iPad himself yesterday and today. Click to find out.

Question 30
(3:03 PM) Daniela Gutierrez:
What kind of discount would you recommend for a photographer that is mainly focused on photjournalism and editorial?
Answer 30
(3:06 PM) Allen Murabayashi:
that's tough to be honest. i think if you're dealing with newspapers and magazines, you can't really discount because the market is already discounted. but if a newspaper was willing to guarantee you X days of work per month, you might consider a discount there. it would definitely be dependent on your relationship with your editor.

Sad but true I guess...

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Opinión "Quiéreme"

No entiendo tampoco la razón pero poco importa….
No no importa poco. Y se debe de entender. Está claro.
Para poder entender el objetivo o al menos saber de que trata el proyecto, uno deberá de ponerse a leer el enlace que dejó helada a la Sra. Rosaura Barahona y deberá de buscar en el enlace de “The Diary” las preguntas y respuestas las cuales me permito a copiar:

¿De dónde nace Quiéreme?
Nace después de leer un artículo de la periodista Natalia Gómez Quintero del periódico El Universal (13 de Mayo 2010), donde habla sobre la discriminación a la que fueron sujetas dos mujeres indígenas en una zona muy exclusiva de Polanco, se puede decir que ese artículo fue mi inspiración para desarrollar Quiéreme.

¿Cuál es el objetivo?
El objetivo es simple, mandar un mensaje a la sociedad en general a la no discriminación, a la tolerancia y aceptación de todos nuestros pueblos indígenas, es una invitación a meditar sobre lo que estamos haciendo mal como sociedad. El artículo de Natalia Gómez hace énfasis en la no aceptación por como andaban vestidas en una zona muy exclusiva del Distrito Federal, así que pensé –Bueno, si ese es el problema, que pasaría si las vestimos, peinamos y maquillamos como se haría con cualquier modelo de las revistas de modas a las que una gran parte de las mujeres ve como modelos aspiracionales, ya con eso las aceptaríamos 100%, ya con eso podrían pasear por todas partes sin que se les señale o discrimine? o el problema es mas profundo y está en cada uno de nosotros?

¿Cómo encontraron a las modelos?
Las modelos eran todas voluntarias. Hablábamos con ellas en el pueblo y platicamos con algunas alumnas de la secundaria. Es importante mencionar que todas ellas participaron por voluntad y decisión propia, sin estar influenciadas por alguien más. Las modelos que eran menores de edad necesitaban permiso de sus padres/tutores lo cual el equipo de producción se encargó de conseguir.

El mismo trato que se le da a una modelo profesional. Nuestro equipo de trabajo estuvo conformado por verdaderos profesionales de la moda, el maquillaje y peinado que cuidaron en todo momento el trato digno hacia nuestras modelos. En lo personal traté de hacerlas sentir cómodas durante la sesión al no forzarlas a realizar alguna pose o expresión complicada, trabajando mas en poses y expresiones naturales, de igual forma siendo lo mas rápido posible pues sabía que para ellas estar frente a una cámara, con personas a su alrededor, con ropa y zapatos que jamás en su vida habían usado un par de minutos eran eternos. Para cada sesión la planeación era de un día entero, entre hacer el casting, scouting, fiting, peinado, maquillaje, la toma de las fotografías no tardaba mas de diez minutos.

¿Se afectó de alguna forma sus tradiciones y costumbres?

Estoy convencido que no. Cambiaron por unas horas. Lamentablemente cada día se pierden mas sus tradiciones y costumbres entre los jóvenes (y los adultos no están exentos de esto) que se niegan a vestir y hablar huichol, es común ver hombres de la comunidad con pantalones de mezclilla, botas, tenis, sombreros tipo texano, playeras. Curiosamente solo es en los hombres pues en las mujeres no se les permite vestir mas que con sus prendas tradicionales.
Debido a que nuestro objetivo nunca fue colaborar con la decadencia de sus tradiciones, pues el tiempo en que nuestras modelos estuvieron vestidas distinto fue única y exclusivamente por un propósito artístico-social que se explicó el por qué desde un principio. Y a la vez, tuvimos que lidiar con situaciones que sabíamos no podríamos cambiar de la noche a la mañana. Por ejemplo: Las mujeres no quisieron mostrar sus piernas nunca, pues es una costumbre que estén tapadas así que se usaron medias para cubrir sus piernas.

Es importante mencionar que el CEDIM es una institución educativa que cuenta con los mejores maestros internacionales y nacionales del mundo y que invita a sus alumnos a destacar sus habilidades para convertirse en profesionistas y profesionales. El CEDIM estuvo directamente involucrado en la participación del proyecto. El CEDIM no quiso quedarse de brazos cruzados y apoyar una idea de la no discriminación.

No son parte de un grupo étnico o de una etnia. Son parte de una cultura. Tampoco son Huicholes. Son Wirrarikas.
No se busca inculcar ni el Jetta ni Chanel. Se busca la inclusion. Se busca una integración de los mexicanos de las montañas y de los mexicanos de la ciudad. El respeto viene de la convivencia mutua y constante entre aquéllos de las montañas y los otros de la ciudad. Se respetaron todas sus costumbres y tradiciones, nos compartieron su hermoso lenguaje y hasta nuestros alimentos llegamos a compartir. Sin embargo..."está bien que estén lejos?" Busquemos la inclusión Sra. Rosaura! No estamos buscando la discriminación. Investigue, lea, y la invito sobre todo a primero entrevistar a los autores del proyecto antes de ponerse a escribir una columna. La invito que antes que empezar en su futuro como periodista y escribir sin fundamento alguno, se ponga a investigar.

Respeta usted a una señora que le llama "indias"? Qué pena! Es así como les llama? Esa palabra fue la que nos motivó a empezar un proyecto. Ese discriminativo, ese calificativo. Sabe quiénes son Indias? Las mujeres que viven y nacieron en la India. Ellas serían indígenas.

La que tiene prejuicios aquí, es usted. La invito a que se ponga a pensar en el nivel de la ignorancia que se tiene a todos los niveles en México. Que lea y relea lo que escribió porque no solamente manchó el nombre de Diego Huerta, manchó el nombre del CEDIM, y de las personas que participaron en el proyecto. Respeto sus opiniones pero me gusta discutir con personas que saben lo que escriben, que tienen fundamentos.

Quiéreme es un experimento. Usted es una de las teorías que plasmamos. Resultado comprobado.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

México, you are beautiful.

This past September 16th, my beautiful country celebrated the 200th Anniversary for its Independence. I was not in Mexico to celebrate. I was and still am in Austin. And I regret some part of it. I sit now seeing how colorful my country is, the many potential there is to grow and how it is full of so different people and so rich of culture.

I'm afraid the 201st Anniversary won't be the same. And although, I did not take these photographs and I was not there to feel it. As I see this photos, I feel the life in my Mexico. My country. The country that not only gave my a nationality but gave me what I am today. Mexico is troubled, yes, there is violence and cartel wars, but there is also a hopeful feeling. That is my Mexico. Viva México! Congratulations! You are lovely!

Photographs are from Boston The Big Picture and you can see more of them by clicking here.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

#Quiéreme Production Staff is needed!

For this incredible journey to begin, I am looking for:
Stylist and Make-Up Artist. Please keep in mind that although you are capable of doing both jobs, I need two different persons since there are 14 models to get ready  for the photo shoot. Although, there is a plan that 7 shots are done in day 1 and the rest are done in day 2, I will need focus on a specific area.
There is a budget for this. But, I will need you to contact me personally so I can give you the exact detail$.
I’ll be more than excited to have you come with us. Here are more details:
We leave from Monterrey, NL to San Andres, Cohamiata, Jalisco on October 3. 12 hour drive. We stay there for 5 complete days. 1 day to scout location and pre-prep, 2 days to pre-produce and 2 days for production. We come back  on October 9 and we are ready to print, to do what we have to do and get ready for the International exposure!
Travel expenses such as hotel and food are included in the job.
Day of Event: October 28, 2010.
Send me your CV, samples of your work. First come, first serve!

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

From Studio Guide 2010: Casting Recommendation.

I received Studio Guide 2010 from my PDN subscription this month. And this is the first time ever that I have the issue Studio Guide in my hands. I cannot begin to tell how many studios and the advantages and equipment that are available around the US and internationally.
However, one of my favorite things that I read here was an interview made to Edward Kim from HOUSE CASTING:

PDN: Do you have any tips for photographers who are attempting to do their own casting?
EK: Hire a casting director. If it's a budgetary issue, a casting director will negotiate better rates for you and know how to find available talent or make talent available. Otherwise it's just about knowing what you want and having realistic expectations and communicating very clearly with the agencies.

So, I recommend that whenever you are presenting an estimate for a client for production costs, to include in your estimates, a Casting Director. He/She will care for you and will of course avoid you the horrible and painful calls over and over again.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Practices Makes Perfect (in my case...better)

So, I took a workshop this Saturday with Diego Huerta
I got sick on Sunday and finally got better today.
I took some time off my awfully agenda and decided to practice trying to be perfect. I know that I may not shoot the best photos however, I know that I'm improving. In fact, I always say "I'm not a photographer" although I like to be behind the lens...specifically behind the production.

I practiced today with my family:
Frida, Maki and Julieta.
Frida is the mother of Maki and Julieta. Wife and loved one of Rocco.
Maki and Julieta are the daughters.

Photographs were taken by me on August 19, 2010.




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Sunday, August 15, 2010

My first workshop as photography student.

Since I bought my first Leica X-1 I have been meaning to really use it.
But, I had to learn what is F, speed and ISO all in 2 hours. I had the best teacher.
On Saturday August 14, Diego Huerta gave a workshop where I had the opportunity to learn from the best.
Me and 4 other photographers walked around downtown Monterrey looking to shoot and experience what is to use natural and artificial light. This is what we came up with; these are the photographs I took and which I must say, I am pretty proud of.
Ain't no stopping me now!

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Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm back - Chivas

After quite a few busy weeks, I'm back.
With an amazing experience and tiring days. Long 16 hour days of work are worth it.
On July 30, 2010, the OMNILIFE Stadium opened its doors to the public. The technology this stadium has, the architecture and the design is never-before-seen in Mexico. Diego and I went to Guadalajara, to take photos of the stadium and the opening day. It was beautiful to be able to be one of the first people to go inside and see how people came in and amazed sat down while the game started.
Here are some photos that I took with my new Leica camera.
By the way, I love my Leica.


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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yes, I Will.

This is my new toy. I am not a professional photographer I just work with one.
But, this camera made me fall in love. This is my new Leica X-1. It has a 35mm lens. No zoom. So, it means I got to look for the right angle. The resolution is just amazing, the optic is mind-blowing. This is my new love which will make me learn more about photography and hopefully take good photos! :D

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Conceptos Básicos Derechos de Autor

De mis pocos posts en español pero no quiero dejar pasar esta situación. Soy abogada y de algo creo que me sirvió haber estudiado Lic. en Derecho. Así que, adjunto encontrarán algunos artículos de la Ley Federal de Derecho de Autor que son importantes conocer. Esto aplica para mis amigos los fotógrafos, a quienes admiro y con los que me divierte trabajar. No por ser creativos se les debe de olvidar tecnicismos y mucho menos de que hay una ley que los protege.

Artículo 5o.- La protección que otorga esta Ley se concede a las obras desde el momento en que hayan sido fijadas en un soporte material, independientemente del mérito, destino o modo de expresión. El reconocimiento de los derechos de autor y de los derechos conexos no requiere registro ni documento de ninguna especie ni quedará subordinado al cumplimiento de formalidad alguna.

Artículo 11.- El derecho de autor es el reconocimiento que hace el Estado en favor de todo creador de obras literarias y artísticas previstas en el artículo 13 de esta Ley, en virtud del cual otorga su protección para que el autor goce de prerrogativas y privilegios exclusivos de carácter personal y patrimonial. Los primeros integran el llamado derecho moral y los segundos, el patrimonial.

Artículo 12.- Autor es la persona física que ha creado una obra literaria y artística.

Artículo 13.- Los derechos de autor a que se refiere esta Ley se reconocen respecto de las obras de
las siguientes ramas:
XII. Fotográfica;
XIII. Obras de arte aplicado que incluyen el diseño gráfico o textil, y

Artículo 77.- La persona cuyo nombre o seudónimo, conocido o registrado, aparezca como autor de una obra, será considerada como tal, salvo prueba en contrario y, en consecuencia, se admitirán por los tribunales competentes las acciones que entable por transgresión a sus derechos.

Espero que se sirvan a leer la Ley Federal de Derecho de Autor la cual pueden leerla dando click aqui.

Y para todos aquellos que han compartido sus fotografías en FB, Twitter, etc....tienen que saber algo. Están protegidos por la ley y por las legislaciones internacionales. He aqui un ejemplo de FB que Emmanuel me recordó:

5. Protección de los derechos de otras personas
Respetamos los derechos de otras personas y esperamos que tú hagas lo mismo.

1. No publicarás contenido ni realizarás ninguna acción en Facebook que infrinja o viole los derechos de otros o que viole la ley de algún modo.
2. Podemos retirar cualquier contenido o información que publiques en Facebook si consideramos que viola esta Declaración.
3. Te proporcionaremos las herramientas necesarias para ayudarte a proteger tus derechos de propiedad intelectual. Para obtener más información, visita nuestra página Cómo informar de presuntas infracciones de los derechos de propiedad intelectual.
4. Si retiramos tu contenido debido a una infracción de los derechos de autor de otra persona y consideras que ha sido un error, tendrás la posibilidad de apelar.
5. Si infringes repetidamente los derechos de propiedad intelectual de otra persona, desactivaremos tu cuenta si es oportuno.
6. No utilizarás nuestros copyrights o marcas registradas (incluidos Facebook, los logotipos de Facebook y F, FB, Face, Poke, Wall y 32665) ni cualquier marca similar que resulte confusa sin nuestro permiso por escrito.
7. Si recopilas información de usuarios: deberás obtener su consentimiento previo, dejar claro que eres tú (y no Facebook) quien recopila la información y publicar una política de privacidad que explique qué datos recopilas y cómo los usarás.
8. No publicarás los documentos de identificación ni información financiera de nadie en Facebook.
9. No etiquetarás a usuarios de Facebook ni les enviarás invitaciones por correo electrónico sin su consentimiento.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

My hometown is a Hurricane Alex victim.

On July 1, 2010 Hurricane Alex paid a visit to Monterrey. While I was in Austin on a pre-production I was listening to the radio and then it stopped...electricity was down. I tried to call my dad but he didn't answer. Hurricane Alex had entered the city of Monterrey, in the beautiful state of Nuevo Leon. At 9pm, my dad finally answered and said that water had gone inside the house, that he and my brother were cleaning up and that it didn't seem to end. I was online the whole night...I read about how water claimed what it was the Santa Catarina River and it couldn't stop...the main streets in Monterrey broke down, lanes were cleared by water and people got into the second floor of their homes because their first floor was flooded.

July 2, 2010. The morning after, the news kept telling all these horrible stories and I saw pictures of how the city broke down. We decided to go back to the city. At 2.00 am I was lost. The highway to enter the city was destroyed, the headlights didn't work and the roads that the GPS gave me as an alternative no longer existed. Horror invaded me. Sadness began. I entered my parent's home at 3.30 am.

On July 3, 2010 I began taking trips to visit the damage that Alex had done. I visited friends and family and others who I didn't know and they all shared what they felt when they saw the day that nature claimed back its territory. They were afraid of dying but, still ready to encounter the reconstruction of a new Nuevo León.

I came back on July 7, 2010 to Austin. I must say and admit that I cried because a part of me wanted to stay there and help. I wanted to contribute with my bare hands and see what else to do. But, at 6.00pm Rio Bravo (border river between Mexico and US) closed its doors. There is a great risk that it floods too. These two videos that I'm posting are my experience of what I saw. Nuevo Leon needs help, they need a lot of help; they need hands to give them support and groceries. They need water. They need clorox, and materials to get their houses disinfected.

I am now in Austin, trying to let everyone know the tragedy that my fellow friends and neighbors are going through. Media in the US neither worldwide have talked about it. Yes, we were lucky that there weren't too many deaths, still, the city is of need of help. A lot of it. Let your friends know about it, read about it and help. Every little action counts.

It's a disaster, local authorities won't help. Water reached 6 feet high of houses. Everything was lost.

To be able to go across the street, we had to jump in mattresses, move clothes and step on a 2 feet high mud.

Banorte: Cuenta No. 19 “Para apoyo a los afectados por la tormenta Alex”
Banorte: Cuenta 0000000065, a nombre de la Cruz Roja.
Banorte: Cuenta No. 50 de Caritas de Monterrey, ABP
Clave Swift: MANOMXMT, Banco Mercantil del Norte, S.A., Monterrey, México, ABA: 021000018

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Opening Night "Town of Clouds" in Austin, Texas

After tweeting, blogging and facebooking, the event was here.
200 persons walked into the Mexican American Cultural Center Gallery, and were excited to see what Diego had photographed. The incredible thing about this was that not only people who knew Diego came along, but also people who just wanted to see the art because they knew about the event.

I must thank our sponsors:
Casa Chapala - Even with heat and a lot of people, everyone got a taste of delicious Mexican food. Outside was packed!
Cruz Tequila - 2 tequila cases after, and even a little drunk, people left the room with the feeling that the thirst was quenched correctly. Thank you John.

Also the media who took time to write about us:
Austin Statesman - Juan Castillo
Ahora Sí - Tania Lara
Univisión - Leslie Montoya
The Austin Times- Vicky Garza

To our families and to our friends, I was happy to see you all!

Diego: bien bajada la bola.

Here is the video of how it went. Yes, it is the same that Diego has on his blog. He got the material on his hands first and posted it the next day after the opening. Cris and Sahra, thank you. Photos and video would not be possible without you.

Opening Night Town of Clouds from Diego Huerta on Vimeo.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Town of Clouds on TV!

Diego in Univision from Dany Gutierrez on Vimeo.

On Friday June 18, 2010 Diego is invited to Univision to talk about "Town of Clouds" and let people know what to expect on the opening. One more day to go!

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Behind "The Two Girls and the Dog"

The photograph below is one of my favorites.
I have a special bond with this one and I think that it comes down to being thirsty on a Thursday and feeling hot. We were outside of the grocery store in the town of Cohamiata walking around...(FUN FACT:I had my yellow rain boots on and you can actually see them if you get close to the fine digital print photo that is now in the gallery.)

This beautiful girl stopped and looked at us, always asking to see the result of the pictures that Diego was taking in his LCD screen in his D3 camera. She held her sister tight and posed for Diego.
I specially love the fact that the little one is pulling her sister's hair and I love how the dog is on the back and you can barely see it.

You can know more about these photographs and be able to actually enjoy and see them in big with exact and accurate details this Saturday June 19, 2010 at 6.00 pm at the Mexican American Cultural Center.
I hope to see many of you there.

Together, let's raise fund for the Huicholes and have fun doing it!
We'll have Cruz Tequila, Casa Chapala Catering and photo booth by Annie Ray.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Exciting News "Town of Clouds"!

Last week I took a time off to visit the main gallery at the Mexican American Cultural Center.
This is what I saw:

Almost there - Town of Clouds - June 19, 2010 6.00 from Dany Gutierrez on Vimeo.

Pretty amazing huh? We are almost getting there!
This week is full of great interviews and challenges. Diego is also featured in The Austin Times in the article below. To read more, you can click here. FYI: We made front page!!!

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Friday, June 11, 2010

News about "Town of Clouds"

There is a new video uploaded from Mr. Mando Rayo who was kind enough to interview us a week ago. Mando, I have to thank you for this! I know that you are way busy and that you are waiting for Frijolita, still you took some time off on a rainy day and met with Diego and I to talk a little bit more about "Town of Clouds".

If you do not know much about "Town of Clouds", take some time off, exactly 2 minutes and 36 seconds to listen what Diego and I have to say.

There will be more videos!! And more interviews, so keep logging in to check.
In the meantime, RSVP for the event at:

Good news for all foodies! Casa Chapala will be providing us with delicious antojitos!
And don't forget, tempting CruzTequila with margaritas and shots!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Delivery of Photos at the MACC

June 8, 2010.
Agenda for today:
11 am - Parking lot at the Mexican American Cultural Center
12 pm - Uncovering photographs "Town of Clouds" at the Main Gallery
1 pm - Lunch!

Although it may seem as a list and as an item, the "uncovering" part was a huge deal. To transport the photographs we had to ask for help. And, use the elevator as our principal transportation. Then, take the bubble wrap off and gently place them on the gallery floor. Still, this is not all. After uncovering, you have to get an idea of what they are going to look like and how is the eye going to be able to accept the transition of colors, the sizes, the, you have to be a curator too.

I cannot put into words what I felt when I saw the whole 43 photographs laid on the floor. I cannot imagine how look they will good when the Gallery opens its doors. June 19th to be exact, 6.00 pm.

If you haven't RVPD, do so:

Hope you enjoy the clip!

MACC- Photographs Delivered from Dany Gutierrez on Vimeo.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

The Story behind "The Washer"

Sundays are sacred. Sundays are for family and to spend time resting.
At least, that is what I learned when I was with the Huicholes.
So, on June 28, 2009 after a long walk to Cohamiata and eating a green mango that just fell of the tree, Diego and I walked down the river.

At the river, we met Sandra who was washing her clothes because she had school on Monday and needed to have her chores done.
Sandra washed her clothes with a pink squared soap. She gladly did this because she knew that it was her thing to do, it all depended on her and that she needed to do this so she can have clean clothes for the week.
I admire Sandra, not only because she washed her clothes but also because she did her chores knowing and acknowledging that her mom had done it for her before when she was younger. She was not only grateful for the job her mom did before but also for having soap to wash her clothes.

Back in San Andrés, I experienced this feeling every single day. I was grateful for waking up with the confidence that I would have water to drink, soap to wash my clothes and even a washer (and I do not mean my two bare hands) to do so. I continue to be grateful and thankful for having what I need.

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